Specialist pet food

Chosen for your pet

We offer large range of foods and treats for your pets keeping their nutrition in mind and focusing on natural products.
Each pet has different needs and our professional brands in store have specific foods depending on size, breed or lifestyle.
Have a chat with our professional team to see which foods suit your pet best

“Health now and always”

“The first year is vital to the healthy development of puppies and kittens. The nutrition they receive now will impact their health for the rest of their lives.” - ROYAL CANIN®

Tailored food from ROYAL CANIN®

Each formula has been formulated to provide nutrition that meets health needs based on size, breed, age or lifestyle.

Find your pets tailored food needs with ROYAL CANIN® handy guide or speak to one of our team to see what would be best suited for your pet. Our orders arrive weekly to all 3 of our surgeries.

As an added perk to our ROYAL CANIN® customers, we award the 9th repeated purchase free of charge on all ROYAL CANIN® products.

Puppy & kitten food

Your puppy or kittens nutrition journey starts with their food. Our vet recommended brand is ROYAL CANIN®

Puppyhood and kittenhood is a time of big changes. During their intense growth period, they need enough calories and the right nutrients to grow healthily. This is a time when your pets bones, muscles, senses and nervous system are developing. It's also the period when the antibodies your pet got from their mother's colostrum weaken, meaning they need optimal protein to build their own immune system. ROYAL CANIN®

  • After two months, the litter should stop feeding from their mother and be starting to be completely independent with their food. You can move them onto a nutritionally-appropriate, energy-dense food that’s the right texture and size for them, making sure to do this step-by-step so you don’t overwhelm their digestion.

  • Although their energy requirements have dropped, they still need three times as much energy as an adult cat to help them begin their most intense weight-gain period at four to five months, where they will be growing by 100g a week. Their sleeping patterns will be more like an adult cat – between 13 to 16 hours each day – and their behaviour will be fully socialised so they can play with the rest of the litter and you.

  • Puppies go through intense growth and development. Their diet plays a key role in supporting this and is crucial in influencing how strong and healthy your puppy is as an adult dog.

  • A puppy’s dietary needs change at each stage as they move towards adulthood, which different breeds reach at different ages. To make sure that your puppy is appropriately supported throughout growth, they should remain on a puppy-specific diet until they reach adulthood.

We supply a wide range of vet recommended foods.

All 3 of our surgeries are stocked with everything your pet will need for a healthy, nutritional diet - speak to our team for more info!

Lots more brands in our surgeries: