
As an accredited member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, we are required to provide a 24 hour emergency service for our clients. We would have it no other way!
We work with a specialist answer service who will take your message and pass it onto the on-call vet that day, the vet on-call will call you back ASAP.

We work for your animals and are here 24/7, 365 days a year.

Pet owners

In case of emergency, you can contact the Vet out with surgery hours via our Answering Service.  The person who answers takes full details and the vet on call will phone you back, usually within 5 to 10 minutes.  The vet will usually arrange to meet you at one of our surgeries, which may not be the surgery you normally attend. House visits are only carried out in exceptional circumstances, since we need all the drugs and equipment which are on hand at the surgery. The charge for seeing the vet out-of-hours in an emergency ranges from £78.75-£147.00 + VAT, depending on the time of day or night. A call-out to your home may cost more.

Crofters and Farmers

Visits to registered crofters are subsidised by the Scottish Office under the Highlands & Islands Veterinary Services Scheme. This covers farm animals and Shetland ponies, but not horses. Daytime flat rate is £27.50 + VAT, out of hours is £40.00 to £50.00 + VAT.


Emergency visits to horses are not subsidised, so our fees reflect the cost of the vet on call, travelling time and mileage, ferry fares etc. Out of hours visit fees to horses range from £50.00 to £191.00 + VAT, depending on the distance travelled and the time of day/night.