Scalloway Surgery
01595 880 000
Consults 6 days a week
Operations 5 days a week
Retail shop
24 hour service
Fully equipped consultation room
A modern surgical and dental suite
Spacious kennels for in patients
For all your animals prescription needs
With a wide variety of pet food, pet toys and accessories
General large animal supplies, from drenches to sprays
We do most our testing in-house and can send results for further analyzing if required
In house post mortem services available and cremation services available
Our Scalloway Surgery
In our Scalloway Surgery, we have a state of the art operating theatre,
2 modern consultation rooms and our main shop.

Visit Us
Scalloway Vets
Phone: (01595) 880 000
Email: scallowayvets@gmail.com
RCVS Accredited Practice
Shetland Vets Scalloway RCVS reference no.: 6201456 has been accredited at Small Animal General Practice, Core Standards (Farm Animal), Core Standards (Equine)
Shetland Vets was first inspected in 2009, then again in 2013 and the most recent inspection was carried out in 2022 and we were delighted to become an Accredited Practice under their Practice Standards Scheme. The Scheme aims to promote and maintain the highest standards of Veterinary care. This means that our clients can have peace of mind that their practice has been regularly inspected and complies with legal and health and safety requirements.