Our Surgeries
24 hour emergency service available. Call 01595 810 456
By appointment in all 3 of our surgeries - Vet or nurse appointments available
During week days in our Scalloway surgery and twice a week in our Bixter surgery
Farm/croft/equine visits available on request
Small animal visits available in exceptional circumstances
All 3 of our surgeries have a retail shop stocked with quality food and small and large animal stock
Bixter Surgery
Telephone: 01595 810 456
Opening times:
Monday - Friday 08.30am to 17.30pm
Saturday 09.00am to 15.00pm -
Scalloway Surgery
Telephone: 01595 880 000
Opening times:
Monday - Friday 08.30am to 17.30pm
Saturday 09.00am to 15.00pm -
Lerwick Surgery
Telephone: 01595 69 0999
Opening times:
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, 09.00am to 14.00
Thurs 14.00 to 18.30pm
Isles visits
This is a service we have provided since 1986 with only a few cancellations due to adverse weather conditions! Whalsay visits are usually arranged on a monthly basis and we visit several of the other outer isles as and when necessary.
Contact us to arrange a visit
The vet consults at the Baltasound Hall from approximately 10.40am to 11.40am on Thursdays, and then visits any farm animals or horses needing attention
As the population is so spread out in Yell, we do not have a central surgery, but do home visits instead on Thursday afternoons. A member of our reception team will be able to give you an approximate time for your visit, which may vary depending on the vet’s workload. There is a charge for the visit.
Visits are arranged in a similar system to Yell – contact us to make an appointment. Whalsay visits are carried out every 4 - 6 months.
A vet occasionally visits other isles such as Foula, Fetlar and Papa Stour.